Tuesday, December 31, 2013

{Good-Bye 2013}

I sit and ponder this last year trying to figure out where all this time went. It truly has been a great year! So many things have happened this year that have just touched our lives for the better. Past friendships have started to rekindle, hurt relationships have started to heal, new friendships were born,  I look back on this year and can really only remember all the good that has happened.

And hears to 2014, May this year be even better than the last.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

{Shyloh & Jaxsen} Rapid City Family Portrait Photographer

I had such a great time just hanging out with these kiddos and their mom on such a beautiful autumn day. Shyloh was a little ham, and Jaxsen was just having fun. Enjoy a few of my favorites...
Happy Hump Day!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

{Miss Emma} Black Hills Portrait Photographer

This is Emma, the most beautiful little gal ever! Her big bright blue eyes are amazing, she is so dainty, and looks just like her big brother. I just loved spending my Sunday afternoon with her and her Mommy. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to capture your beautiful little doll, and special thanks to Grandma for being my apprentice.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

{Beautiful New Chapter}

A new chapter is about to begin for Jenny & Steven and I am so honored to have been able to document a piece of their journey.
Enjoy a few of my favorites:

Monday, October 7, 2013

{October Blizzard}

Day One:
Windy, windy, windy

Old Games Resurfaced...

Lilac Bush started to bend...
Hot Coco in the Candlelight

Day Two:
Snow, Snow, Snow

Poor Lilac Bush

More Games...

Day Three:
Grateful, Thankful, Relieved

Lilac Bush Restored...

A Little Clean Up...

Loved spending much needed time with my family all bundled up in our home!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

{My Amazing Mr. Mom}

Came home from a long day at work and this was waiting for me!

Hubby is Amazing!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

{Back to School}

Start of something new...
Summer is over.