Friday, May 23, 2014

{Brown Family} Rapid City Family Portrait Photographer

I had the pleasure of photographing this beautifully wonderful family. These parents are amazing and doing such a wonderful job with their little ones.
Danika is a little mother hen, she really looks out for her younger siblings.
Mr. Peyton... not sure what to say other than he is just a little ham.
Little Miss Journi is a little spit fire and had us all on our toes.
 Than the cutest little twins, Zander and Kilee, but I like to call them Phil and Lil.
They sure do have their hands full but are doing an amazing job with their crew. Thank you so much for allowing me to photograph your beautiful family!
And now for the bloopers...

Happy Friday!

Friday, May 16, 2014

{Driving Lessons}

Jewels was super stoked about getting to mow the lawn today! (little does she know it is her new chore, hehehe ;) Hubby and I think the lawn mower is a great place to start with driving lessons here on the homestead. The ladies have been riding with us and steering for a while now.
We figured it was about time to let Jewels take full control and she did GREAT!!
This one was a little upset that she is not old enough to drive by herself...
Sometimes life has its disappointments.
Happy Friday!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

{Laundry Soap}

I had been wanting to make laundry soap for a while now and just hadn't gotten around to making it. After chatting with my sister and hearing how well she liked her soap I figured I would give it a try. After looking around I came across a recipe that sounded easy enough....
1box super washing soda ($3.88)
1box Borax ($3.97)
1box (4lbs) baking soda ($2.04)
3bars Fels-Naptha finely graded ($2.91)
1.3 lbs Oxy-Clean ($1.78)
Purex crystals (28oz) - optional ($4.76)
I had the Oxy-Clean and baking soda on hand that I had purchased at Sam's Club. Buying it in bulk helped out on the price a bit. Everything else I had to purchase. I do not use the Purex crystals in my mix but do sprinkle a bit in each load (I love this stuff!)
I have been using this soap for a few months now and love it!
We grated our Fels-Naptha bars with a cheese grater but have read some people use a food processor. It's fairly easy to make, just grade your soap and mix all the ingredients together. We have found it easier to put all the ingredients in a large garbage bag and mix it that way and then put it in your container of choice.
Total: $14.58 w/out Purex for roughly 300 loads
& the Best Part you only need to use 2 tablespoons per load!!
Happy Monday!!