Monday, May 5, 2014

{Laundry Soap}

I had been wanting to make laundry soap for a while now and just hadn't gotten around to making it. After chatting with my sister and hearing how well she liked her soap I figured I would give it a try. After looking around I came across a recipe that sounded easy enough....
1box super washing soda ($3.88)
1box Borax ($3.97)
1box (4lbs) baking soda ($2.04)
3bars Fels-Naptha finely graded ($2.91)
1.3 lbs Oxy-Clean ($1.78)
Purex crystals (28oz) - optional ($4.76)
I had the Oxy-Clean and baking soda on hand that I had purchased at Sam's Club. Buying it in bulk helped out on the price a bit. Everything else I had to purchase. I do not use the Purex crystals in my mix but do sprinkle a bit in each load (I love this stuff!)
I have been using this soap for a few months now and love it!
We grated our Fels-Naptha bars with a cheese grater but have read some people use a food processor. It's fairly easy to make, just grade your soap and mix all the ingredients together. We have found it easier to put all the ingredients in a large garbage bag and mix it that way and then put it in your container of choice.
Total: $14.58 w/out Purex for roughly 300 loads
& the Best Part you only need to use 2 tablespoons per load!!
Happy Monday!!

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